Cultural Routes between Art, Faith And Culture

Cultural Routes Between Art, Faith And Culture Recovery, enhancement and inclusiveness of the Diocesan Ecclesiastical Heritage of Mantua Scientific Directors: Andrea Adami, Luigi Fregonese,  Massimo Ferrari, Claudia Tinazzi, Carlo Togliani Collaborators: Ginevra Rossi, Marta Fasol, Daniela Mori, Jacopo Helder, Laura Taffurelli Founded by Fondazione Cariplo, Regione Lombardia Partners: Diocesi di Mantova (capofila progetto), Parrocchia di…
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The Palazzo Ducale in Mantova: architecture in time. Augmented reality for Cultural Heritage​

Palazzo Ducale in Mantua is an emblematic case of complex architecture, in which the current configuration is the result of centuries of additions, modifications and substitutions.
The understanding, for a wide audience, of the architectural, cultural, historic and documentary value of the Gonzaga’s complex needs innovative and interactive forms of communication.

mostra sabbioneta il futuro della storia - mantovalab

The Future of History. Mantua UNESCO Chair’s Researches

The exhibition The Future of History. Mantua UNESCO Chair’s researches, curated by the Mantua Campus of the Politecnico di Milano, has focused attention on the heritage to be rediscovered, known and enhanced through design in its various scales. The theme was the project and its representation.

laser scanner Scala Santa appartamento dei nani Mantova Palazzo Ducale- mantovalab

The “Scala Santa” of the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua. Different 3D survey approaches for documentation and study

The seventeenth-century reproduction of the Scala Santa in Rome in the Ducal Palace of Mantua was the subject of an in-depth study and a 3D survey with different laser scanner technologies in 2007.

sabbioneta modello 3D mostra città ideali -mantovalab

Sabbioneta and Charleville. The Gonzaga’s ideal cities

The Compelsso Museale Palazzo Ducale in Mantua organized, in 2017-18, a temporary exhibition on the theme of Ideal Cities, tiled: “Costruire, abitare, pensare. Sabbioneta e Charleville città ideali dei Gonzaga”. The MantovaLab partecipated to the exhibition with…

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The wooden equestrian statue of Vespasiano Gonzaga in Sabbioneta

The ancient equestrian statue of Vespasiano Gonzaga is part of a “cavalcata”, originally of ten knights, which represents the ancestors of the Duke of Sabbioneta. The textured 3D model of the statue was obtained through (…)

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The “Gonzaga gardens” project. The survey for the recovery of the gardens of Palazzo Te in Mantua and Palazzo Giardino in Sabbioneta

The detailed survey of the Gonzaga gardens and the architecture that characterizes them, are part of an important research project, curated and coordinated by the Mantua and Sabbioneta World Heritage Office, and funded by MIBACT.


The Teatro di Sabbioneta. The building as a document

The Teatro di Sabbioneta, a project commissioned by Duke Vespasiano Gonzaga to the famous architect Vincenzo Scamozzi, is a valuable example of the late Italian Renaissance. The research, carried out in conjunction with historians and surveyors, has shown how an accurate survey, 3D and photogrammetric, of a complex architecture, can support historical analysis and reconstructive theses.

Historical infrastructures, a resource for the future

The research began as part of the collaboration with the Association “Friends of the Railway Suzzara-Ferrara” that on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the construction of the railway line has activated some initiatives to disseminate the knowledge of this infrastructure.

Cultural Routes. European values through space and time

The research theme reflectS around projects capable of connecting different territorial and landscape situations which are, however, recognizable as characterized by common identity elements. In these contexts, the cultural itinerary becomes an opportunity to promote a heterogeneous set of architectural elements and places.