The project for the permanent setting-up of the Pisanello and Papi’s rooms in the Ducal Palace of Mantua

Scientific Directors: Eduardo Souto de Moura, Barbara Bogoni

Collaborators: Elena Montanari, Francesco Cancelliere, Matteo Colla (executive design); Manlio Mazzon (plant design); Luigi Fregonese, Andrea Adami, Laura Taffurelli, Jacopo Helder (Photogrammetric and TLS survey)

Partner: Museo del Palazzo Ducale di Mantova


Project year: 2021-2022

The project aims to enhance and improve the fruition of the space and works created by Pisanello in the Ducal Palace of Mantua (1430-1433). The intervention involves the Pisanello Hall, with original frescoes of exceptional artistic significance and value, embedded in the museum-exhibition system.  Adjacent and preparatory to it is the Sala dei Papi, containing the fresco sinopia and detached frescoes. The project is respectful of even the smallest presences of historical and artistic value that require attention, enhancement, exhibition and enjoyment.
