Enhancement of the Stable Meadows territory in the Mincio Valley

Scientific Directors: Carlo Peraboni

Collaborator:Carmen Angelillo, Martina Borini, Stefania Campioli, Andrea de Toni, Chiara Visentin, Chiara Lanzoni

Project year: 2021 – ongoing

yOUR 2030 is a container that brings together the strategic directions pursued by the Mantua Campus to promote sustainability-oriented planning as indicated by the UN Agenda 2030. The universality of these 17 goals and their mutual connection represent the foundations of this articulated project, whose main directions are oriented toward the promotion of a multidisciplinary education adhering to the original “polytechnic” meaning and the enhancement of the visibility of the Polo as a promoter of cultural events for the whole city. The culture of sustainability represents a transversal theme that unites different generations, knowledge and sensibilities, allowing us to be permeable to the changing needs of society and the environment in which we live.

