Building Information Modelling for the planned conservation of Cultural Heritage: a question about Geomatics too
Scientific Director: Andrea Adami, with collaboration of Luigi Fregonese, Stefano della Torre
Collaborators: Barbara Scala, Anna Spezzoni, Stefano Cremonesi, Silvia Chiarini, Maria Maseki, Yulie Hisi, Andrea Elias Castelli, Daniele Deplano, Daniele Treccani, Laura Taffurelli, Olga Rosignoli
Partner: Complesso Museale Palazzo Ducale in Mantua
The research project has tried to verify the integrability of the advanced survey systems of architecture (Geomatics), with those of management and organization of the architectural project of BIM. Developed between 2014 and 2016, its focus was on the planned conservation process, applied to historical buildings of cultural importance, which represent the most complex examples on which to operate. Theoretical and practical problems were tested on real cases to identify the strengths and weaknesses of BIM systems applied to complex historical architectures, called HBIM. The research sought to combine the possibilities and problems of 3D modeling (analytical model vs. parametric model) with the requirements for the diagnostic, preservation and management phases of architecture identified by experts in the field. Recognised as being of national interest, the project received funding from the SIR (Scientific Independence of Young Researchers) programme: SIR – D.D. 197 23/01/2014. Selection decree: MIUR.AOODPFSR. register of decrees.0001350.25-06-2015 Principal investigator: Andrea Adami